Community Support Donations

We collect non-perishable items which we give to people and organisations in our local area who give them to people in need.

Please bring items on the first Sunday of each month where we collect them as part of the offering.

Personal hygiene and cleaning items Non-perishable food items
·         Shampoo ·         Kraft non-perishable cheese
·         Conditioner ·         Vegemite
·         Shower gel ·         Peanut butter
·         Deodorant ·         Honey
·         Shower sponge/Face washer ·         Tea bags
·         Comb/Brush ·         Coffee
·         Toothpaste ·         Non-perishable milk
·         Toothbrush ·         Cereal, eg Weetbix, corn flakes, wheat puffs, etc.
·         Shaving cream
·         Soap on tap ·         Baked beans/Spaghetti
·         Moisturiser (not perfumed, not sorbelene based) ·         Tinned ham/Stew or any other type of sandwich filler
·         Tissues/wet wipes ·         Pasta/Rice
·         Toilet paper ·         Salt/pepper
·         Paper hand towel ·         Tinned soup
·         Dishwashing liquid ·         Tinned fruit
·         Washing powder ·         Tinned vegetables
·         Multi-purpose cleaner ·         Savoury biscuits, eg Sao’s, Salada, Ryvita, Sesame wheat, etc.
·         Cleaning cloths
·         Chucks wipes ·         Non-perishable custard



  1. To reduce breakages, please do not donate items in glass containers.
  2. Please bring items any Sunday, but particularly on the first Sunday of each month.

“Each one should give as he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”  2 Cor 9:7